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BuyLensOnline Tips
The following wearing info. is for your references only. Please consult your eye care professional should you have further concern.
Are contacts lenses hard to take care of? It differs from lens to lens. Oxygen permeable contact lenses, which last for years, need daily cleaning and disinfecting but generally no enzyming, since their slick surface resists deposit buildup. Daily disposable lenses are worn once, then discarded, with no maintenance required. Weekly soft disposables are rubbed and rinsed at the end of the day, then soaked in disinfecting solution until they're worn again. Since they're discarded before deposit buildups occur, they don't need to be soaked in an enzyme solution. Other soft lenses usually require daily cleaning/disinfection and weekly enzyming. Warning! Even though your contact lenses are shipped factory sealed and sterile, if you fail to use good hygiene or the recommended solutions correctly, you may cause an eye infection. Also, do not open the contact lens vials unless you have the proper solutions and a lens storage case. Never share your contact lenses with others or use their color contact lenses. Soft Contact Lens Care You have purchased contact lenses and viewed the instructions on how to insert, remove, and clean them. Do you need to know more? Yes! Following are some tips and information for new contact lens wearers. Before opening your lenses and removing them from the sterile container they were shipped in, make sure you have your contact lens storage solution, case, and cleaning supplies on hand. Contact lenses need to be stored correctly to avoid bacteria getting onto the lenses and into the eyes and causing infection.
REMOVAL- Look up and hold your lower lid down. Pull the lens downwards, and gently with your index finger and your thumb pinch the edges of the lens and remove it from your eye.(Fig.4)* DISINFECTION- Always before inserting the lens and after removing it from the eye, rinse the lens with contact lenses solution suggested by your practitioner. After wearing your lenses, store them in a case filled with fresh contact lens solution. If you do wear your lenses infrequently, change the contact lens solution in the case with fresh solution once a week. Do's and Don'ts
Only sterile normal saline solution and hydrogen peroxide should ever come in contact with your soft lenses. If you are using a commercial preparation -- follow the instructions for that preparation. Please remember the great majority of the problems we see with contact lenses are due to improper cleaning and handling. Enjoy
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